Galicia, rural and safe tourism. Reflections on World Tourism Day in the face of an uncertain year


Galicia, rural and safe tourism. Reflections on World Tourism Day in the face of an uncertain year

This September 27 we celebrate World Tourism Day again and Costa da Morte does so by positioning itself as a safe destination for all the people who dare to visit it, as highlighted this week by the first vice president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda , in a meeting with the board of the Galicia Tourism Cluster.

In this event the importance of Galicia was highlighted precisely as a safe destination, compared to a year in the that all the requirements are marked by this principle and the objective was to strengthen the Galicia brand, and with it the Costa da Morte, as a quality destination in which the tranquility of travelers in the face of the current situation is not lost.

This reactivation and emphasis on confidence in our land as a safe and competitive destination is closely linked to another interesting debate that arises, this time, from the hand of the World Tourism Organization itself. And it is that the UNWTO under the slogan "Tourism and rural development" emphasizes this year, in welcome to World Tourism Day, in the capacities and high potential that rural areas have within the sector.

"Opening opportunities outside the big cities" is the new challenge to be met as well as to develop forgotten communities that have much to offer and tell. In this way, "tourism plays a key role in preserving and promoting the worlds cultural and natural heritage".

And it is precisely here, where Galicia has to put, and will put, all its energies. To continue taking care of its uniqueness, its heritage and its traditions and offer it in its purest state to all the people who pass through here year after year and take with them a great tourist experience whatever the day of the year they visit us .

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