Success in the presentation of the manuals for the prevention for the COVID-19 of the tourist sector of the Xunta de Galicia


Success in the presentation of the manuals for the prevention for the COVID-19 of the tourist sector of the Xunta de Galicia

Yesterday the Consellería de Cultura e Turismo of the Xunta de Galicia presented through a webinar the manuals for prevention of the COVID-19 for the touristic sector with great success of assistance. More than a thousand people followed the presentation yesterday via streaming and Youtube  - where you can currently view the video It consisted of the intervention of the experts who advised in the elaboration of the manuals and, later, a round of questions in for the professionals of the Galician tourism

Before starting the professionals speech, the Councilor for Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez wanted to thank the involvement of experts in the preparation of manuals, as well as the commitment of the private sector to collaborate with the public administration in these times of concern. In his words, the current goal is "to make Galicia a 100% safe destination" and "security is the best cover letter" for our tourism. He took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of tourism for the Galician economy, as well as the number of families and jobs that depend directly on this sector. Therefore, these manuals are of vital importance for the return to "normality", as they are adapted to the characteristics and circumstances of Galicia, functioning as "a roadmap". The manuals are just one of the phases of the Xuntas plan for the development of tourism in the community, which will be complemented with training actions -more than 500 in the words of the councilor-, advice for professionals by telephone and a package of economic aids of the “Galicia Destino Seguro” program.

After Rodriguez words, it was time for the interventions of the experts. Juan Gestal, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Santiago, spoke first. He wanted to emphasize in the first place that these guidelines "were alive" and that they can be adapted as circumstances change in relation to COVID and the discoveries that are made. He then appealed to the dual responsibility of tourism professionals: on the one hand, as citizens, with the hygiene measures that we must all comply with; and on the other in its establishments with the premises of disinfection and ventilation, temperature control of the employees ...

The rest of the interventions were in the same line, emphasizing each expert the elements most linked to their area. For example, Elvira Íñiguez, head of the information systems section in the epidemiology service of the General Directorate of Public Health recalled the types of masks on the market and which one is appropriate for each person depending on their circumstances. In the round of questions, the attendees conveyed their concerns with topics such as the use of gloves and a mask by waiters and cooks.

All the guides can now be found and downloaded on the Xunta website or on our own website by clicking on the following link: COVID guides,

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