The CMAT Board of Directors meets to assess the situation in Costa da Morte touristic sector and reform the 2020 strategy


The CMAT Board of Directors meets to assess the situation in Costa da Morte touristic sector and reform the 2020 strategy

The Board of CMAT met today thanks to technology to plan and prepare decision-making on the changes to be implemented in geodestination management during 2020, where the focus of work will be on people.

Although there are important factors yet to be revealed, such as knowing in detail the Xunta Tourism Sector Reactivation Plan, the protocols and certification promoted by ICTE and the General Secretariat for Tourism, or the scope of the agreements to be signed between the Xunta and the geodestinies, without counting on the evolution of the epidemic itself and the decontamination phases, the CMAT has already set priorities for this 2020.

In short, the CMAT will strengthen internal communication, both with the various partners and with other local entities and organizations on the Costa da Morte; will work to support tourism companies in information, advice and training related to the implementation of measures to prevent COVID-19 infections as much as possible; will change marketing strategies to contribute to positioning as a safe destination, putting people at the center of those strategies and including the local population; and will work to encourage domestic and local tourism.

The CMAT works to reformulate the activities scheduled for 2020, in coordination with the Provincial Council of A Coruña and Turismo de Galicia, always prioritizing health security.

In addition, at today meeting, the Camiño dos Faros and the problems for its approval were put on the table again, being of great relevance the continuity of the same and its will to work not to lose this resource so important for the development of Costa of Death.

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