50 routes to walk the Costa da Morte for all tastes


50 routes to walk the Costa da Morte for all tastes

As part of the activities designed to enhance the natural resources of the Costa da Morte, and with it, the Naturally Wild character of the territory, the CMAT is working on the collection of hiking trails in the 16 municipalities that make up the geodestination. It counts for such work with the collaboration of the consultancy specialized in tourism Autoxiro, that is carrying out the tasks of selection of the routes, description and graphic documentation of each one of them.

The aim is to draw up outdoor plans for all types of public, different degrees of difficulty, time of completion, routes and other added values ​​such as urban or cultural routes. To this end, the help of all the councils that make up the CMAT is being counted on, suggesting itineraries and participating in the elaboration. A total of about 50 routes will be collected, in which the 16 municipalities will be present, and which can be consulted from our website. The Federación Galega de Montañismo approved routes and also some other important routes that run along the Costa da Morte, such as the Camiño dos Faros or the Camino de Santiago, Fisterra and Muxía, will also occupy a prominent place.

This activity proposed by the managing body of the CMAT geodestination in this year 2020, is possible thanks to the agreement signed with Turismo de Galicia for tourism promotion.

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