Shipwreck of Laxe in 2018
The Shipwreck is a homage that the people of the sea of Laxe do him to the Virgin of Carmen, patron saint of the sailors, by his protection and help during all the year. The celebration realises annually since it was established in the year 1962 by Avelino Saint Lemma, sailor of Laxe surviving to three shipwrecks.
It accompanies us each 17 August to celebrate an only party!
To the 12.00 hours celebrates the solemn mass in the Parish Church of Santa María of Atalaia and when finishing goes out the Virgin in procession to the dock. Once there it begins the popular representation of the Shipwreck: several sailors go out in a boat from splits it north of the port, staging the trip that realise close come to fish. To the half of the route the craft goes to hammer and, after throwing some flares, the náufragos begin to swim to the dock, where expects them the Virgin of Carmen. Already in earth the sailors advance of knees to the Virgin and besan his feet like sample of gratitude.
In this time, the four last náufragos of saint account that one of his mates is died and swim in his search. Between the four carry the inert body to earth and present them to the feet of the Virgin of Carmen that will act the miracle to resurrect it. To continuation all together, and in memory of the sailors been shipwrecked, sing the "Salve Mariñeira" And they appreciate like this the constant protection.
Next the ships, adorned with flowers and flags, go out in procession by the estuary, behind the ship that every year have the honour to carry the image of the Virgin. In the transcurso of this maritime procession, throw flowers to the water for rememorar to the sailors died in the mar.
Once of turn to the port, the sailors that participated in the shipwreck carry barefoot and to shoulders the image of the Virgin of Carmen of return to the Parish Church, of where will not go out until the next 17 August